Book Review: “4 Steps to the Future” by Dr. Richard Lum

Strategic Management library

“4 Steps to the Future” by Dr. Richard Lum is a thought-provoking and insightful guide that navigates readers through a compelling framework for understanding and preparing for the future. Dr. Lum’s expertise in strategic foresight shines through as he masterfully breaks down complex concepts into accessible and actionable steps, making this book an essential read…

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The Crucial Role of Foresight: Exploring OMB Circular A-11 Part 6

In an ever-evolving world where change is the only constant, organizations, both public and private, must possess the ability to prepare for future challenges and identify opportunities. One framework that emphasizes this critical need for foresight is outlined in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11 Part 6. This framework provides guidelines for…

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How Chat GPT is Revolutionizing Scenario Development

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), with the new application like Chat GPT is the talk of the town.  While there has been talk about AI replacing many job series – even those in the medical profession – I never thought about it replacing MY job – a foresight and strategy practitioner.  After months of resistance, I…

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Embrace Uncertainty – Build Foresight!

Two men standing in front of a glass surface creating goals using sticky notes

Written by Robin Champ, Foresight Expert/Senior Trainer, LBL Strategies Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We can apply the same adage to strategy. If we always use the same input and thought process when developing strategy, will we really get…

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Scenario-Based Planning: Helping your Team to Think Differently

organizational strategic planning

Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We can apply the same adage to strategy. If we always use the same input and thought processes when developing strategy, will we really get a different result? How do we prepare ourselves for…

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