Strategic Planning and Management: The Argument for Professional Credentialing

The world is increasingly uncertain – progressively complicated by misinformation, disinformation, and digital interference by increased technological disruptions such as Deep Fakes.  To navigate this complicated environment, we must adopt “evidence-based” decisions.  This requires us to lean on a team of educated professionals, routed in requisite knowledge and experience to guide us to a desirable future.

While many vectors of sustained effort will be required to effectively address growing global challenges, strategy professionals throughout the world have a unique role to play in enabling teams to achieve a positive, sustainable, and functional future for every living thing. Together we influence (one way or another) many macro-level and micro-level strategy management efforts and decisions. We are the “critical friends” leadership teams lean on globally (in all sectors) to chart mission-driven, customer-centric strategies and effective implementations.

To the extent organization leaders (across all sectors) seek out and secure the help of strategic planning and management professionals whose competencies are validated by credentials, we are positioned to make even greater contributions to fact-based decision making, team-based alignment, and sustained organizational performance.

Credentialing serves to verify qualifications, experience, and professional standing in every profession. We are no different. If we ever hope to become recognized as a true “profession,” or even aspire to increasing levels of influence, we must stand firmly on a solid body of knowledge, articulating a set of recognized standards and competency requirements.

LBL Strategies Education, Training and Certification in Strategic Management

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LBL Strategies is a valued education and training resource for strategy professionals across the globe from all sectors. We are a Registered Education Provider for the International Association for Strategy Professionals (IASP). LBL’s “Mastering Strategy” programming is important learning in preparation to pursue IASP “industry” level certification at both the “Strategic Planning Professional” (SPP) and “Strategic Management Professional” (SMP) levels.

LBL Education and Training Programs here

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